Friday, July 30, 2010

How Do You Do What You Do?

My DH says I'm a focus freak - well, not in those words exactly - but he often teases me on my ability to focus so intently on what I'm doing that I shut out all distractions. For example, when I drive I tend to focus on where I'm going and the path I need to follow to get there, plus my fellow drivers, etc. I don't gaze around me at the scenery, looking at different buildings, landmarks, etc., unless those are part of my directions I use to help me get to where I'm going. So if I'm riding with my DH, it's not unusual for me to suddenly say something like, "Wow...when did the (such & such) restaurant go out of business?" My DH will look at me like I'm a moron and reply that it's been gone for 6 months.

However, when I knit I can't just sit and knit in silence. I have to have some distraction or else it's just too quiet and (gasp), dare I say it, boring. There is a small voice in my head that just squeeked, "Maybe you'd get more knitting done if you sat in silence," but I just ignore it. I used to knit and watch movies, but I found that I concentrated too much on the movie and not enough on my knitting. I still knit while watching some sporting events, such as Arsenal football, or MotoGP racing. But I really enjoy listening to an audio book while reading.

I started listening to audio books when I found that listening to music just wasn't motivating me enough to work out. I'd play the same album over and over until I got sick of it, then move onto another album. I'd listened to an audio book in the car before (on vacation), so I gave it a go and it really worked.

Now I find I check out more audio books from the library than paper books, with the exception of knitting books, of course. :) Obviously there are so many wonderful books out there that are converted to audio format, but my two favorites for listening & knitting are:

Work progresses on the star sweater (I'll show pics in the next post), and my "count every RS row" method is helping me avoid repetitive re-work. I am sure when I'm knitting in public, people must think I'm a counting freak, stopping at the end of every other row to count. No, I'd tell them, I'm not a counting freak...I'm a focus freak.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

As you know from my last post, I've started working on the Star Motif Sweater from Vogue Knitting Spring/Summer 2009. Yes, I correctly called it the "Star" motif, not "Snowflake" sweater like my last post. Although in my defense, it does look like a snowflake. Well, the reason for this post title, is that I've been suffering through a series of knitting snafus trying to finish the first diamond piece.

Apparently I've lost all ability to correctly read a chart. Well, it's really more accurate to say that I suffered through a period of probably 20-30 rows that I could not get my count to come out right. Like all lace I've ever worked, all WS rows are purled. Naturally I didn't notice my mistakes on a RS row until I was nearly done with the next RS row and I found I didn't have the correct number of remaining stitches to finish the row. I didn't bother using a life line because it was readily apparent within two RS rows if I had messed up.

You'd think after doing this for 5 or 10 rows that I'd realize my approach wasn't working. Either I need to focus more (e.g. no knitting while watching TV) or I needed to count my stitches after the end of a RS row. Nah...why would I want to do something intelligent like that??? Amazingly, the lace knitting is going so much better now that I have pulled my head out of mind.

On a completely different note, I've been spending some free time these past several days classifying patterns at Ravelry. When I viewed my checklist tonight, I see that they have it closed down temporarily. Hopefully you were able to get in on the classifying goodness (geesh - sound like my brother the librarian) and that we all win one of the amazing prizes!